Course Calendar

Freedom High School (FHS) was founded to give students the opportunity to earn an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (considered to be among the best high school curriculums in the world), without having to leave their home country or province. We believe that great education should not be limited by physical, financial, or social factors. Our goal is to give as many students as possible the access to affordable, high quality education.

Studying online doesn’t mean that students are studying alone. Our Ontario Certified Teachers are always available to assist students and work with them live through video chat and instant messaging. FHS also provides live online tutoring 24/7 with every course at no extra cost. Through our advanced online learning environment, we strive to create an online community where students engage with one another just like a traditional classroom.

By obtaining an Ontario Secondary School Diploma through Freedom High School, students can apply directly to universities in North America.

While we are currently in the process of being accredited by the Ontario Ministry of Education, upon approval we will offer Ontario Secondary School courses for credit with enrollment throughout the year. Currently, we offer six (6) grade nine courses with more courses being developed.

Our Mission

Freedom High School believes in the importance of completing a secondary school education because it is the pathway to higher learning and future success. We are committed to reaching every student and helping each student reach their full academic and personal potential.

Completing a secondary education and obtaining a high school diploma is essential. Students who complete a high school education are better equipped to succeed in life and become engaged members of our society. By obtaining a high school diploma, students are more likely to gain admittance to post-secondary institutions and gain meaningful employment.

Our mission is to provide high quality, affordable, online education to students all over the world.

Our Values

Freedom High School places an emphasis on four (4) core values:


We expect our students to be dedicated to their education and work hard to achieve great results. By developing dedicated students, we ensure that they will be on the right path to success in higher education and in their careers.

Similarly, students should expect complete dedication from Freedom High School and our teachers in making sure that the student’s best interests are always the first priority.


We expect our students to be honest in the process of completing their coursework and assessments. Plagiarism not only harms the source of the copied work, but also weakens the integrity of students as individuals.

Freedom High School endeavours to educate students about impacts of plagiarism and promote academic integrity.


We expect our students to respect one another as well as teachers and school administrators. Respect for other is not only an important personal trait but also a central tenet of Canadian society.

Freedom High School has put policies and procedures in place to promote a respectful learning environment in which students and teachers are treated fairly and respectfully.


We encourage our students to express themselves as individuals through a variety of learning methods such as individual portfolio development and discussions. Our aim is for students to discover their individuality and become more self-aware through their secondary school education.

At Freedom High School, each student's individuality is honoured: Students can progress at their own pace, are supported by tutors and teachers, and are given opportunities to express themselves in every course.


Freedom High School has a continuous enrollment model which allows students to start a course at any time throughout the year. Students are required to complete the course within six (6) months after which time, the student will be unenrolled if the course has not been completed.

To ensure that all of the Ministry of Education curriculum expectations are being met, teachers and administrators at Freedom High School will, through tools in our learning management system, monitor a student’s course progress and separate students into cohorts, that closely resemble classes in a traditional bricks and mortar school. Cohorts allow students to engage in a community environment with their classmates and ensure that they can collaborate on discussions and group assignments.


Freedom High School uses the Brightspace learning environment by D2L, which requires an Internet connection to be accessed.

Hardware and Software Requirements

  • Ensure that your browser has JavaScript and Cookies enabled.
  • For desktop systems, you must have Adobe Flash Player 10.1 or greater.
  • The Brightspace Daylight Experience features are now optimized for production environments when using the Google Chrome browser, Apple Safari browser, Microsoft Edge browser, Microsoft Internet Explorer browser, and Mozilla Firefox browsers.

Desktop Browser Support:


Apple Safari

Google Chrome

Microsoft Edge

Mozilla Firefox

Apple Mac OS





Microsoft Windows






Tablet and Mobile Support:


Apple Safari

Google Chrome

Microsoft Edge

Apple iOS for iPhone and iPad




Android OS for Android phones and tablets





As of December 20, 2006, all students under 18 years of age are required to be in attendance at school unless they have already obtained an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD).

Freedom High School believes that student engagement is critical to the successful completion of courses. With that in mind, our attendance policy is made up of several components.

Verification of Physical Existence

Although students are not in a physical classroom setting, we monitor a student’s attendance by the interaction with the course teacher, signing in to the course and completing course work, and interaction with other students.

FHS also logs the student’s activities in the learning environment to allow teachers and administrators to identify any potential academic issues due to lack of participation.

A student is expected to complete a course in approximately 4 months (based on accessing the course for one (1) hour per day); however, the pace is entirely up to each student. A student will be unenrolled from a course if the course is not completed within 6 months from the start date.

In order to be considered “present”, FHS requires that a student signs in and interacts in the course and the online community at least three (3) times per week until the completion of the course. It is recommended that student spend at least one hour per session.

When a student is not “present” for two (2) consecutive weeks, FHS will email the student and parents (if the student is under 18) to notify them. If a student will not be accessing their course for an extended period of time for a valid reason (ex. medical issue, family issue), the student should notify their teacher beforehand and provide supporting documents such as a doctor’s note or signed statement from a parent/guardian.

Students will also have the opportunity to interact in live video sessions with their teachers during which collaborative tools such as digital whiteboards can be used.

Completion of Coursework

In addition to physical verification, FHS monitors student attendance through the completion of coursework. This ensures that students are continuously making progress and they remain on track to complete their course during the prescribed time period.

In order to remain in good attendance standing, FHS requires that a student complete at least 2 assignments (hand-in assignment or discussions) or assessments per month until the completion of the course.

Communication to Parents

Parents of students that are under the age of 18 will be notified by email if the student is not meeting the school’s attendance policy.


At Freedom High School, we are committed to creating a safe school environment for all students, teachers, and administrators. This includes an environment where:

  • Students, staff members and parents feel – and are – safe, included and accepted.
  • All members of the school community demonstrate respect, fairness and kindness in their interactions, and build healthy relationships that are free from discrimination and harassment.
  • Students are encouraged and given support to be positive leaders and role models in their school community; for example, by speaking up about issues such as bullying.
  • Students, principals, staff members, parents and community members engage in open and ongoing dialogue. All partners are actively engaged.
  • Principles of equity and inclusive education are embedded across the curriculum. Strategies for bullying prevention and intervention and awareness-raising are reinforced for students and staff.
  • The learning environment, instructional materials, and teaching and assessment strategies reflect the diversity of all learners.
  • Every student is inspired and given support to succeed in an environment of high expectations.

Any unacceptable behaviour such as bullying, harassment, and disrespectful acts, whether online or offline, will not be tolerated. Students engaging in such behaviours will be subject to discipline, including potential expulsion from the school.


Academic Honesty

To maintain the integrity of our courses, Freedom High School has a strict policy on Academic Honesty. Cheating, plagiarism, and falsifications not only hurt the student that engages in those behaviours but also other can be detrimental to other students, teachers, and the school as a whole.

The following subsections list out some examples of academic honesty offences. These lists are not exhaustive and are not limited to the descriptions and examples provided.


  • Giving other students questions and/or answers to exam questions when those students will have their exam at a later time and/or date.
  • Having unauthorized material or devices (such as cell phones, tablets, and other electronics) during a test or exam.
  • Taking a test, an examination or any other assessment for another person, or having another person take a test, an examination or any other assessment for you.
  • Knowingly helping another student to cheat by lending your work or by working together on a project that is not supposed to have group work..


  • Falsifying, misrepresenting or forging an academic record or any other supporting documentation (medical or otherwise) for the purpose of gaining any sort of academic advantage.
  • Deliberately changing or damaging the academic work of another student.


Plagiarism is defined as using someone else’s work (words, images, ideas, phrases, signatures, or computations) and presenting it as one’s own, instead of properly documenting every source.

Examples of plagiarism include:

  • Submitting any work that has been copied, either wholly or partially, from another source without reference to the original author or source.
  • Submitting any work with misleading references that do not reflect the sources that were actually used.
  • Submitting any group work of which the student should have reasonably known contained certain parts that were plagiarized.

If students have any doubts or concerns about potential plagiarism, they should consult with their teacher.


The following consequences will be imposed in cases where students have been found to violate Freedom High School’s Academic Honesty policy:

  • For the First Offence: A grade of “0” will be given for the plagiarized assignment and the teacher will coach the student to ensure that the student understands the value of academic honesty.
  • For the Second Offence: A grade of “0” will be given for the plagiarized assignment and the student will be required to resubmit the assignment.
  • For the Third Offence: The student will fail the course and may be expelled from the school.
  • For incidents where a student has copied a classmate’s work, the consequence will be at the teacher’s discretion.


All members of the Freedom High School community, including students, teachers, administrators, and parents may be granted access to our Learning Management System (LMS) for use in their academic and administrative-related activities. Users are expected to be responsible for familiarizing themselves and abiding by Freedom High School’s policies and regulations regarding the appropriate use of its technology resources. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Using the LMS only for educational purposes, any other use is prohibited;
  • Refraining from conduct that may interfere with, access, or impair the activities of others;
  • Maintaining the integrity of their own IT account, taking reasonable measures to protect passwords and not sharing them with others;
  • Using appropriate safeguards to secure technology resources against theft, damage or unauthorized access;
  • Respecting the intellectual property rights of others, and using technology resources in a manner that is consistent with Freedom High School’s contractual obligations to suppliers of intellectual property; and
  • Abiding by Freedom High School’s regulations and policies as well as by federal, provincial and municipal laws.

Freedom High School reserves the right to monitor and access student and teacher accounts to ensure that technology use regulations are being followed.

Freedom High School considers any violation of this policy to be a serious offense and reserves the right to copy and examine any files or information resident on the school’s systems related to alleged inappropriate use, and to protect its network from systems and events that threaten to degrade operations.

Incidents of inappropriate use of technology resources shall be investigated and dealt with by the school and will be subject to discipline as are appropriate in the circumstances, including restrictions on or suspension of privileges or, for more serious cases, expulsion or termination from the school.

Privacy Policy

IMG Education places the utmost value on the privacy of our students and parents. We will never disclose or sell the personal information of any student to unauthorized third-parties and will only report data to the Ontario Ministry of Education as per their requirements or as required by law.

As part of our online learning environment, we will log certain data such as IP address and browser version to provide the best possible user experience. This data is stored securely in our system and never shared.

Intellectual Property

Freedom High School  owns the intellectual property rights to of all the content on our website and learning, including underlying HTML code, text, PDF documents, audio files, video files and other content that is made available to students, or has obtained the permission of the owner of the intellectual property of such content to be used by Freedom High School for the purpose of delivering our courses. All copyright belongs to Freedom High School, unless clearly stated otherwise.

The academic program and courses of study offered at Freedom High School are governed by the Ontario Ministry of Education in the Ontario Schools: Policy and Program Requirements, 2011 (OS). All Ontario Curriculum documents are identified in the course outlines of all courses offered by Freedom High School.

Course outlines and descriptions can be found on Freedom High School’s website as well as in our learning environment. Curriculum policy documents are hyperlinked in the course outlines and available through the Ontario Ministry of Education website:

A credit is defined as a 110-hour course in which the expectations laid down by the Ministry of Education in the Province of Ontario have been successfully completed.

Secondary school courses in the Ontario curriculum are organized by discipline, grade, and course type. Course types offered in Grades 9 and 10 (academic and applied courses, open courses) differ from those offered in Grades 11 and 12 (destination-related courses, open courses)

Grade 9 and 10 Courses:

The following types of courses are offered in Grades 9 and 10:


De-streamed Courses (W)

Since 2021, the Ministry of Education has taken steps toward phasing out streamed courses for Grade 9 based on research and established best practices. This shift is intended to provide all students with the same learning experience in their first year of secondary school. Students in Grade 9 take de-streamed courses in English, mathematics, science, French, and geography.

In Grade 10, students choose between academic and applied courses in each of the core subjects: English, mathematics, science, and history. The code of a de-streamed course ends with the letter "W" (i.e., ENL1W).

Academic Courses (D)

Academic courses develop students’ knowledge and skills through the study of theory and abstract problems. These courses focus on the essential concepts of a subject and explore related concepts as well. They incorporate practical applications as appropriate. The code of an academic course ends with the letter "D" (i.e., ENG2D).

Applied Courses (P)

Applied courses focus on the essential concepts of a subject and develop students’ knowledge and skills through practical applications and concrete examples. Familiar situations are used to illustrate ideas, and students are given more opportunities to experience hands-on applications of the concepts and theories they study. The code of an applied course ends with the letter "P" (i.e., ENG2P)

Open Courses (O)

Open courses, which comprise a set of expectations that are appropriate for all students, are designed to broaden students’ knowledge and skills in subjects that reflect their interests and prepare them for active and rewarding participation in society. They are not designed with the specific requirements of university, college, or the workplace in mind.

Grades 11 and 12 Courses:

The following five types of courses are offered in Grades 11 and 12:

College Preparation Courses (C)

College preparation courses are designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills they need to meet the entrance requirements for most college programs or for admission to specific apprenticeship or other training programs.

University Preparation Courses (U)

University preparation courses are designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills they need to meet the entrance requirements for university programs.

University/College Preparation Courses (M)

University/college preparation courses are designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills they need to meet the entrance requirements for specific programs offered at universities and colleges.

Workplace Preparation Courses (E)

Workplace preparation courses are designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills they need to meet the expectations of employers, if they plan to enter the workforce directly after graduation, or the requirements for admission to certain apprenticeship or other training programs.

Open Courses (O)

Open courses, which comprise a set of expectations that are appropriate for all students, are designed to broaden students’ knowledge and skills in subjects that reflect their interests and prepare them for active and rewarding participation in society. They are not designed with the specific requirements of university, college, or the workplace in mind.

Explanation of Course Codes

Secondary school courses at Freedom High School are identified by a five character code which are designated by the Ministry of Education. The following table explains the course coding.

Example: ENG1D

Course Description (Subject)


Course Description


"1" = Grade 9

"2" = Grade 10

"3" = Grade 11

"4" = Grade 12

W - De-streamed

D - Academic

P - Applied

O - Open

U - University

C - College

M - College/University

Prerequisites Policy

Courses in Grades 10, 11, and 12 may have prerequisites for enrolment. Prerequisites ensure that the student has acquired sufficient knowledge in order to complete the course. All prerequisite courses are identified in ministry curriculum policy documents, and no courses, apart from these, may be identified as prerequisites. Freedom High School provides clear and accurate information about prerequisites in the course outline for every course that we offer. If a parent or an adult student (a student who is eighteen years of age or older) requests that a prerequisite be waived, the principal will determine whether or not the prerequisite should be waived. The principal will make a decision in consultation with the parent or the adult student and appropriate school staff.

To request that a prerequisite be waived, students must complete an online Prerequisite Waiver Form and provide all relevant documents to support the request.

Changing Course Types

Some students may change their educational goals as they proceed through secondary school. When they decide to embark on a new pathway, they may find that they have not completed all of the prerequisite courses they need.

In most cases, a student may enrol in a different type of course in a given subject in Grade 10 than the type he or she completed in Grade 9, although doing so may require additional preparation, as recommended by the principal. 

In Grades 10 to 12, a student may change to a different type of course in a given subject provided that the student has taken any course specified as a prerequisite for that course. If the student has not done so, he or she may take one of the specified prerequisite courses through Freedom High School.

If the principal believes that a student can be successful in a particular course without having taken the specified prerequisite course, the principal may waive the prerequisite.

Reach Ahead

The Reach Ahead program is for elementary students who wish to take high school courses. The principal of the student’s elementary school, together with the principal of FHS and the student’s parent, will decide if it is appropriate for the student to enrol in high school courses. Students are typically eligible for Reach Ahead during the Grade 8 school year or the summer before Grade 9, as outlined in the Ontario Schools: Policy and Program Requirements section Those wishing to participate in the Reach Ahead process may complete an enrolment request and return it by email to the guidance department for review and approval. Approval from the principal of Freedom High School must be received prior to registration.

Online Courses Available

Currently, Freedom High School offers the following online courses. To access the course outline (which includes the course description and links to Ontario Curriculum policy documents), please refer to the course index on the Freedom High School website.

We recognize that every student has unique skills and abilities. With that in mind, our assessment and evaluation policy is based on seven (7) fundamental principles which ensure that our evaluation:

  • are fair, transparent, and equitable for all students;
  • support all students, including those with special educational needs, those who are learning the language of instruction (English or French);
  • are carefully planned to relate to the curriculum expectations and learning goals and, as much as possible, to the interests, learning styles and preferences, needs, and experiences of all students;
  • are communicated clearly to students and parents at the beginning of and throughout the course;
  • are ongoing and varied in nature;
  • provide ongoing descriptive feedback that is clear, specific, meaningful, and timely to support improved learning and achievement;
  • develop students’ self-assessment skills to enable them to assess their own learning, set specific goals, and plan next steps for their learning.

It is important for students and parents to know how Freedom High School will assess and evaluate students.

Assessment For and As Learning

Assessment is the process of gathering information that accurately reflects how well a student is achieving the curriculum expectations in a subject or course. The primary purpose of assessment is to improve student learning. Assessment for the purpose of improving student learning is seen as both “assessment for learning” and “assessment as learning”. As part of assessment for learning, teachers provide students with descriptive feedback and coaching for improvement. Teachers engage in assessment as learning by helping all students develop their capacity to be independent, autonomous learners who are able to set individual goals, monitor their own progress, determine next steps, and reflect on their thinking and learning.

Assessment OF Learning

Evidence of student achievement for evaluation is collected over time from three different sources – observations, conversations, and student products. Using multiple sources of evidence increases the reliability and validity of the evaluation of student learning.

“Student products” may be in the form of tests or exams and/or assignments for evaluation. Assignments for evaluation may include rich performance tasks, demonstrations, projects, and/or essays. To ensure equity for all students, assignments for evaluation and tests or exams are to be completed, whenever possible, under the supervision of a teacher. Assignments for evaluation must not include ongoing homework that students do in order to consolidate their knowledge and skills or to prepare for the next class. Assignments for evaluation may involve group projects as long as each student’s work within the group project is evaluated independently and assigned an individual mark, as opposed to a common group mark.

The evaluation of student learning is the responsibility of the teacher and must not include the judgement of the student or of the student’s peers. 


The Achievement Chart provides the curriculum expectations identified for every subject and discipline and is found in the curriculum policy document. It describes the knowledge and skills students are expected to develop and demonstrate in their class work, on tests, and in various other activities on which their achievement is assessed and evaluated. The Achievement Chart lists out four main categories:

  • Knowledge and Understanding
  • Thinking
  • Communication
  • Application

The following table summarizes the percentage mark attributed to the corresponding achievement level:

Percentage Grade Range

Achievement Level

Summary Description

80% - 100%

Level 4

The student has demonstrated the required knowledge and skills with a high degree of effectiveness. Achievement surpasses the provincial standard.

70% - 79%

Level 3

The student has demonstrated the required knowledge and skills with considerable effectiveness. Achievement meets the provincial standard.

60% - 69%

Level 2

The student has demonstrated the required knowledge and skills with some effectiveness. Achievement approaches the provincial standard.

50% - 59%

Level 1

The student has demonstrated the required knowledge and skills with limited effectiveness. Achievement falls much below the provincial standard.

Less than 50%


The student has not demonstrated the required knowledge and skills and will not receive a credit.


Student achievement is communicated to students and their parents through our Secondary School Report Card, Grades 9-12”. The Report Card is comprised of the following sections:

Achievement of Provincial Curriculum Expectations

At the midterm and upon completion of the course, students will receive a percentage grade which assesses their achievement of the curriculum expectations. The midterm is defined as the completion of roughly half of the course. For example, if a course contains four (4) units, the midterm report card would be issued upon completion of the second unit.

Learning Skills and Work Habits

The report card provides a record of the learning skills and work habits demonstrated by students in the following six categories:

  • Responsibility
  • Organization
  • Independent Work
  • Collaboration
  • Initiative
  • Self-Regulation

Teachers will use the following letter symbols to report on students’ development of the six learning skills and work habits:

  • E – Excellent
  • G – Good
  • S – Satisfactory
  • N – Needs Improvement

Teacher’s Comments

Teachers may also include comments about the student’s learning skills and work habits in the “Comments” section of the report card provided for each course. Comments may include what students have learned, describe significant strengths, and identify next steps for improvement.


Freedom High School offers support for English Language Learners in the form of modified expectations, a variety of accommodations related to instructional strategies (e.g. use of visual cues, peer tutoring), a variety of learning resources (e.g. use of visual materials, simplified texts, and bilingual dictionaries), and accommodations related to assessment strategies.

Note: When learning expectations are modified, this must be clearly indicated on the student’s report card.


Culminating Assessments

Each course has a culminating assessment in the form of either an exam (proctored or take-home), final or summative assignment, or a combination of both. In the case of exams, students may receive modified versions (ex. using different questions or formatting) to increase the integrity of the assessment. The culminating assessment will account for thirty percent (30%) of a student’s grade.

A course with a proctored final exam will either use a valid in-person proctor or use our online proctored partner solution ProctorU. Details of this online proctoring procedure can be found at Any changes to the exam date must be requested at least 72 hours prior to the exam. Failure to comply will result in a cancellation fee. The rescheduled exam will not be available until the cancellation fee has been paid. 

For courses that have a culminating project, students will consult with their teachers throughout the project to get feedback and guidance.


Coursework for each course will account for seventy percent (70%) of the student’s grade. Coursework includes:

  • Products including projects, portfolios, essays, reports, written assignments, in-class (online) assignments, and rich performance tasks such as presentations, seminars, independent research, exhibitions, recitals, skills demonstration, role-playing, and work samples.
  • Observations including instructional question and answer sessions for review of previous material, questions and answers, journals/learning logs, group and independent work, tests and quizzes, and discussions.
  • Conversations including, student-teacher interviews and conferences, informal feedback and review, and discussions to review self and peer evaluations.


To earn the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) students must successfully complete a total of 30 credits, of which 18 are compulsory and 12 credits are optional. In addition, students must also complete 40 hours of Community Involvement Activities, meet the provincial literacy requirement, and the online learning requirement (students who entered Grade 9 in the 2020-21 school year or in subsequent years must earn at least two online learning credits).

If students are currently registered in another private school or public school in Ontario and are not taking the majority of their courses at Freedom High School, then they will complete the provincial literacy requirement and Community Involvement Activities at the school in which they are registered.

Compulsory Credit Requirements

  • 4 credits in English, one per grade level
  • 1 credit in French as a second language
  • 3 credits in Mathematics, at least one in Grade 11 or 12
  • 2 credits in Science
  • 1 credit in Canadian Geography
  • 1 credit in Canadian History
  • 1 credit in Arts (dance, drama, media, music, visual arts)
  • 1 credit in Health and physical education
  • 0.5 credit in Civics
  • 0.5 credit in Career studies

Plus one credit from each of the following groups:

Group 1: English (including the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Course), French as a second language, classical languages, international languages, Native languages, Canadian and world studies, Native studies, social sciences and humanities, guidance and career education, cooperative education

Group 2: French as a second language, the arts, business studies, health and physical education, cooperative education

Group 3: French as a second language, science (Grade 11 or 12), computer studies, technological education, cooperative education

Note: The following conditions apply to selections from the above three groups:

  • A maximum of 2 credits in French as a second language may count as additional compulsory credits, 1 credit from Group 1, and 1 credit from either Group 2 or Group 3.
  • A maximum of 2 credits in cooperative education may count as additional compulsory credits, selected from any of Groups 1, 2, or 3.

Optional Credits Requirements

In addition to the 18 compulsory credits, students must also complete 12 optional credits which can be selected from the school’s courses.

Substitution Credits

In order to provide the flexibility to tailor an individual student’s program to the student’s needs and to support his or her progress through secondary school, principals may substitute up to three compulsory credits with courses from other subject areas specified in the list of compulsory credit requirements (including Groups 1, 2 and 3). Substitutions should be made to promote and enhance student learning or to respond to special needs and interests. The decision to substitute one course for another for a student should be made only if the student’s educational interests are best served by such a substitution. If a parent or an adult student (a student who is eighteen years of age or older) requests a substitution, the principal will determine whether the substitution should be made.

The following are limitations on substitutions for compulsory credits:

  • English as a second language and English literacy development courses may not be used to substitute for a compulsory credit. (They may be used, however, to meet the compulsory credit requirements for three English credits).
  • No more than one learning strategies course, from the guidance and career education curriculum policy document, may be used through substitution to meet a compulsory credit requirement.
  • Credits earned for cooperative education courses may not be used through substitution to meet compulsory credit requirements.
  • A locally developed compulsory credit (LDCC) course may not be used as a substitute for a compulsory credit; it may be used only to meet the compulsory credit requirement that it has been designed to meet.

Each substitution will be noted on the student’s Ontario Student Transcript.

Substitution of Compulsory Credits Form

Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition

Prior learning includes the knowledge and skills that students have acquired, in both formal and informal ways, outside Ontario secondary school classrooms. Through a formal evaluation and accreditation process known as Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR), students enrolled in Ontario secondary schools, including the Independent Learning Centre and inspected private schools that choose to implement PLAR, may have their skills and knowledge evaluated against the overall expectations outlined in provincial curriculum policy documents in order to earn credits towards the secondary school diploma. PLAR procedures are carried out under the direction of the school principal, who grants the credits.

The PLAR process developed by a school in compliance with ministry policy involves two components: challenge and equivalency. The equivalency process involves the assessment of credentials from other jurisdictions. Freedom High School does not undertake the PLAR challenge process.

Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) for Regular Day School Students

Because young people benefit in many ways from the learning experiences offered in secondary school, PLAR has a specific, limited function in the Ontario secondary school program. For regular day school students, a maximum of 4 credits may be granted through the challenge process for Grade 10, 11, and 12 courses; or for Levels 1, 2, and 3 in classical languages and international languages courses; and for Levels 3, 4, and 5 in Native languages courses. No more than 2 of these credits may be granted in one discipline.

For students who are transferring from home schooling, a non-inspected private school, or a school outside Ontario, principals will grant equivalency credits for placement purposes based on their evaluation of the student’s previous learning (see OSS section 4.3.2 and Appendix 2).

PPM No. 129 outlines in detail the PLAR policy and requirements that apply to regular day school students.

Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) for Mature Students

Because of the broader life experience of mature students, the requirements concerning the application of PLAR procedures are different for them than for regular day school students. Principals will determine the number of credits, including compulsory credits, that a mature student needs in order to meet the credit requirements for the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD). At the discretion of the principal, up to 16 Grade 9 and 10 equivalency credits may be granted to a mature student following an individual assessment.

Mature students may earn 10 of the 14 remaining Grade 11 and 12 credits needed to meet diploma requirements in three ways: (1) they may demonstrate achievement of the required secondary school curriculum expectations and receive credit through the challenge process; (2) they may present education and/or training credentials for assessment through the equivalency process; or (3) they may take the courses. It should be noted that Levels 2 and 3 in both classical languages and international languages are equivalent to Grades 11 and 12, respectively, and that Levels 4 and 5 in Native languages are equivalent to Grades 11 and 12, respectively.

Mature students must earn a minimum of 4 Grade 11 and 12 credits by taking the course at a secondary school (or through any of the options outlined in section 10). Mature students who have previously accumulated 26 or more credits towards the diploma must successfully complete the required number of courses to bring their total number of credits up to 30 before they will be eligible to receive the OSSD.

Mature students working towards the OSSD under OS must also satisfy the diploma requirements with regard to the provincial secondary school literacy requirement. Principals will determine the number of hours of community involvement activities that a mature student will have to complete.

PPM No. 132 outlines in detail the PLAR policy and requirements for mature students.

Provincial Literacy Requirement

All students are required to meet the secondary school literacy graduation requirement in order to earn an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD). The requirement is based on the expectations for reading and writing throughout the Ontario curriculum up to and including Grade 9. The purpose of the secondary school literacy graduation requirement is to determine whether students have the skills in reading and writing that they will need to succeed in school, at work, and in daily life.

To meet this requirement, students are expected to take and successfully complete the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT) in Grade 10. Once students have successfully completed the OSSLT, they may not retake it. Students who write the OSSLT and who have been unsuccessful at least once are eligible to take the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Course (OLC4O). FHS is currently developing the OLC4O course and will update its policy once the course is made available to students. In the interim, FHS will assist students in arranging alternative means to complete the OSSLT.

Community Involvement Policy

In addition to completing 30 credits, every student is required to complete at least 40 hours of community involvement in order to obtain their Ontario Secondary School Diploma.

Students will select one or more community involvement activities in consultation with their parents. Selection of activities should take into account the age, maturity, and ability of the student, the location and environment of the proposed activity, and the need for any special training, equipment, and preparation. The safety of the student is of the utmost importance.

In order for the hours to qualify, students cannot be paid for performing any of the community involvement activities. A parent is not required to sign a form or to be consulted if the student is eighteen years of age or older.

Responsibilities of the Principal

The Principal is required to provide information about the community involvement requirement to parents, students, and community sponsors. The Principals is also required to provide students with the information and forms they will need to complete the community involvement requirement, including the school’s list of approved activities from which to choose. After a student completes the 40 hours of community involvement and submits all documentation of their completion to the school, the principal will decide whether the student has met the community involvement requirement and, if so, will record it as completed on the student's official transcript.

Responsibilities of Students

In consultation with their parents, students will select an activity or activities from the school's list of approved activities, or choose an activity that is not on the list, provided that it is not an activity specified on the ministry's and the board's lists of ineligible activities. If the activity is not on the school's list of approved activities, the student must obtain written approval from the principal before beginning the activity.

Before beginning any activity, students will provide the principal or other school contact with a completed “Notification and Completion of Community Involvement Activities” form indicating the activity or activities that they plan to do. This form must be signed by the student, and by his or her parent if the student is under eighteen years of age. More than one such form may be submitted when additional activities are planned that were not included on a previously submitted form.

This same form must be completed by the student, the student's parent (if the student is under eighteen years of age), and the community sponsor (that is, the person or organization that provided the community involvement opportunity for the student) and must submit the form to the principal or other school contact upon completion of the 40 hours or at appropriate intervals determined by the principal.

Responsibilities of Parents

Parents should provide assistance to their child in the selection of their community involvement activities. Parents are also encouraged to communicate with the community sponsor and the school principal if they have any questions or concerns. A parent must sign the “Notification of Planned Community Involvement Activities” form and the “Completion of Community Involvement Activities” form if the student is under the age of eighteen years.

Responsibilities of Sponsors in the Community

One of the purposes of the community involvement requirement is to develop strong ties between the students and their community, fostering valuable and long-term relationships. Persons and organizations within the community may be asked by the student to sponsor a community involvement activity. Any training, equipment, or special preparation that is required for the activity should be provided by the person or organization. It is crucial that students are able to fulfil their community involvement requirement in a safe environment. The person overseeing the student's activity must verify the date(s) and the number of hours completed on the “Completion of Community Involvement Activities” form.

Community Involvement Activities that are NOT approved:

  • Any activity that is a requirement of a class or course in which the student is enrolled (e.g., cooperative education portion of a course, job shadowing, work experience);
  • Any activity that takes place during the time allotted for the instructional program on a school day. However, an activity that takes place during the student's lunch breaks or “spare” periods is permissible;
  • Any activity that takes place in a logging or mining environment, if the student is under sixteen years of age;
  • Any activity that takes place in a factory, if the student is under fifteen years of age;
  • Any activity that takes place in a workplace other than a factory, if the student is under fourteen years of age and is not accompanied by an adult;
  • Any activity that would normally be performed for wages by a person in the workplace;
  • Any activity involving the operation of a vehicle, power tools, or scaffolding;
  • Any activity involving the administration of any type or form of medication or medical procedure to other persons;
  • Any activity involving handling of substances classed as “designated substances” under the Occupational Health and Safety Act;
  • Any activity requiring the knowledge of a tradesperson whose trade is regulated by the provincial government;
  • Any activity involving banking or the handling of securities, or the handling of jewellery, works of art, antiques, or other valuables;
  • Any activity consisting of duties normally performed in the home (i.e., daily chores) or personal recreational activities;
  • Any activity involving a court-ordered program (e.g., community-service program for young offenders, probationary program).

Community Involvement Activities that ARE approved:

  • Assisting charities, service clubs, and other not-for-profit organizations
  • Helping organize community events (e.g., fairs, carnivals, local festivals)
  • Participating in environmental projects (e.g., community cleanup, recycling programs)
  • Assisting in a seniors' residence
  • Coaching sports teams
  • Cultural activities such as volunteering at an art gallery, library, museums, and heritage site


The Ontario Secondary School Certificate (OSSC) will be granted, on request, to students who are leaving secondary school upon reaching the age of eighteen without having met the requirements for the Ontario Secondary School Diploma. To be granted an OSSC, a student must have earned a minimum of 14 credits, distributed as follows.

7 required compulsory credits:

  • 2 credits in English
  • 1 credit in mathematics
  • 1 credit in science
  • 1 credit in Canadian history or Canadian geography
  • 1 credit in health and physical education
  • 1 credit in the arts, computer studies, or technological education

7 required optional credits:

  • 7 credits selected by the student from available courses

The substitution of compulsory credits policy for the OSSC is the same at that of the OSSD (detailed above)..


Students who are leaving secondary school upon reaching the age of eighteen without having met the requirements for the Ontario Secondary School Diploma or the Ontario Secondary School Certificate may be granted a Certificate of Accomplishment.

The Certificate of Accomplishment may be a useful means of recognizing achievement for students who plan to take certain kinds of further training, or who plan to find employment directly after leaving school. The Certificate of Accomplishment is to be accompanied by the student’s Ontario Student Transcript. For students who have an Individual Education Plan (IEP), a copy of the IEP may be included. Students who return to school to complete additional credit and non-credit courses (including courses with modified or alternative expectations in special education programs) will have their transcript updated accordingly but will not be issued a new Certificate of Accomplishment. The Ontario Secondary School Diploma or Ontario Secondary School Certificate will be granted when the returning student has fulfilled the appropriate requirements.

The Ontario Student Record (OSR) is the official school record for a student registered in a school in Ontario. Every Ontario school keeps an OSR for each student enrolled at that school. The OSR contains achievement results, credits earned and diploma requirements completed, and other information important to the education of the student. These records are protected by the Education Act and Freedom of Information legislation in the Province of Ontario.

If a student is enrolled at Freedom High School and also attending any other school in Ontario, the OSR will be kept at the school in which the student is taking the most courses (also known as the home school). Freedom High School will establish an OSR or obtain the student’s OSR from their previously Ontario school only when Freedom High School is that student’s home school.


An OSR will consist of the following components:

  • an OSR folder in Form 1A or Form 1
  • report cards
  • an Ontario Student Transcript, where applicable
  • a documentation file, where applicable
  • an office index card
  • additional information identified as being conducive to the improvement of the instruction of the student

Access to the OSR

Students and their parents (for students under 18 years of age) have the right to examine the contents of the OSR. The Ministry of Education staff members may also have access to the OSR.

Transfer of the OSR

For student transfers to another Ontario school, the complete original OSR will be transferred by Priority Post to the receiving school upon the receipt of a written request by Freedom High School. When a student transfers to another school outside Ontario, only a copy of the student's OSR may be sent upon receipt of an official written request from the receiving school. When a student retires from school, an up-to-date copy of the OSR may be given to students over 18 years old or parents upon request.

Retention, Storage, and Destruction of Information

Any personal information placed in an OSR should be retained by the school for at least one year after use, unless the principal receives written consent to its earlier disposal.

The following components of the OSR will be retained for five years after a student retires from school:

  • report cards
  • the documentation file, where applicable
  • additional information that is identified by the school as appropriate for retention

The following components of the OSR will be retained for fifty-five years after a student retires from school:

  • the OSR folder
  • the OST
  • the office index card

The destruction of all or any part of the OSR when its retention is no longer required will be effected under conditions that ensure the complete and confidential disposal of the record.

Withdrawal from a course

Withdrawals from Grade 9 and 10 courses are not recorded on the OST. Only successfully completed courses are recorded on the OST.

A withdrawal from Grades 11 and 12 courses after five instructional days following the issue of the mid-term report card is recorded on the OST by entering a “W” in the “Credit” column. The student’s percentage grade at the time of the withdrawal is recorded in the “Percentage Grade” column. Withdrawals prior to that time are not recorded.

Students can request a course withdrawal by completing our online Course Withdrawal Request Form.

Repetition of a Course

Only one credit can be earned when a student repeats a course that they have previously completed successfully. However, in Grades 11 and 12, each attempt and percentage grade obtained is recorded on the OST, and an “R” is entered in the “Credit” column for the course(s) along with the lower percentage grade.

Equivalent Courses

Students who transfer from a non-inspected private school in Ontario, or from a school outside Ontario may be granted equivalent credits through the PLAR equivalency process for regular day school students based on the principal’s evaluation of their previous learning. The total number of equivalent credits and the corresponding number of compulsory credits are recorded on the OST. The equivalent credits should be entered as a total, and the required items of information should appear as follows: “Equivalent Credits” should be entered in the “Course Title” column; “PLE” in the “Course Code” column; “EQV” in the “Percentage Grade” column; the total number of credits in the “Credit” column; and the total number of compulsory credits in the “Compulsory” column.

Course Transfer Policy

A student can transfer to another course provided that the student requests the transfer within 3 days of registration and has not completed any assignments or assessments. At FHS, there is no fee for course transfers. Student can request a course transfer using our online Course Transfer Request Form.

Cooperative Education

Cooperative education programs allow students to earn secondary school credits while completing a work placement in the community. These programs complement students’ academic programs and are valuable for all students, whatever their postsecondary destination.

A cooperative education program comprises, at a minimum, one cooperative education course and its related course on which the cooperative education course is based. Any course from an Ontario curriculum policy document or any ministry-approved locally developed course may serve as the related course for a cooperative education program.

Freedom High School does not currently offer a cooperative education program.

Freedom High School has several resources available to students to ensure their continued success, including:

  • Virtual office hours in which students can interact in a live video chat with their teacher and use tools such as a digital whiteboard and screen sharing. These sessions can be recorded, enabling the student to go back and review the content at a later date.
  • Accommodations for English Language Learners (ELLs) through the use of varied instructional and assessment strategies.
  • The use of a student’s existing Individual Education Plan (IEP) or the creation of an IEP by Freedom High School. The IEP is a written plan describing the special education program and/or services required by a particular student, based on a thorough assessment of the strengths and needs that affect the student’s ability to learn and to demonstrate learning.

Pathways to Success - Individual Pathways

To promote success in school and life, Freedom High School provides opportunities and support for all students to plan their individual pathways through school and for each to make a successful transition to his or her initial postsecondary destination. Freedom High School supports student development, interpersonal development, and career development.

The school aspires to support students in identifying their personal interests, strengths, needs, and aspirations and in using this knowledge of themselves to inform their choices of programs and learning opportunities.  Freedom High School provides a range of diverse and engaging learning opportunities and courses that meet the interests, strengths, needs, and aspirations of the students and honours all postsecondary destinations – apprenticeship training, college, community living, university, and the workplace.  See Creating Pathways to Success for further details.

Intervention Strategies

Freedom High School believes that all students learn best when instruction, resources, and the learning environment are well suited to students particular strengths, interests, needs, and stage of readiness.  We believe that personalization, precision, and professional learning are central to providing the kind of instruction and assessment that enables all students to learn best.  

Our educators consult Learning For All, 2013 as well as all relevant Ministry of Education Curriculum documents in developing individual intervention strategies to ensure the success of each and every student at Freedom High School.  

Program Planning for English Language Learners

Freedom High School supports English Language Learners and English as a Second Language learners both through dedicated ESL/ELL courses as well as within credit courses.  Our language learning courses help learners acquire a basic level of English language proficiency and prepare for credit courses. Additionally, each credit course employs best practices and strategies to support ESL and ELL learners.   

The ELL and ESL policy at Freedom High School is based on The Ontario Curriculum Grades 9-12: English as a Second Language and English Literacy Development, 2007 policy and best practices to support English Language Learners. Freedom High School offers support for English Language Learners in a variety of accommodations related to:

  • instructional strategies, including but not limited to:
    • bilingual resources,
    • cloze activities,
    • visual cues,
    • cooperative learning and peer tutoring,
    • guided reading and writing;
  • learning resources, including but not limited to:
    • graphic organizers,
    • use of visual materials,
    • simplified texts,
    • bilingual dictionaries,
    • jigsaw and learning games,
    • role play activities;
  • assessment accommodations (timing/scheduling, setting, presentation, response), including but not limited to:
    • extra time or scheduling accommodations,   
    • use of exemplars,
    • key word lists / translation on assessments,
    • oral responses,
    • scaffolded written responses.

When English language learners require curriculum modifications, the modified learning expectations are clearly indicated on the student’s report card and credit eligibility is reviewed by the principal.

Online Resources

EasyBib (MLA Citations): EasyBib is an intuitive information literacy platform that provides citation, note taking, and research tools that are easy-to-use and educational.

Project Gutenburg: offers over 54,000 free eBooks. Choose among free epub books, free kindle books, download them or read them online.

The guidance and career education program plays a central role in secondary school by providing students with the tools they need for success in school, in the workplace, and in their daily lives.

Freedom High School provides guidance to students in the form of course selection to ensure that students are taking the appropriate courses to fulfill their academic goals. Students will be encouraged to keep a journal throughout their courses and record their strengths and interests as it relates to future career plans.

Freedom High School also assists students in applying for university and/or college by communication student achievement directly to post-secondary institutions.

Freedom High School will also guide students on the completion of the community involvement activities by advising age-appropriate and approved activities.

Click here to download a copy of the School Course Calendar.